Community Council

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What is the St Francis of Assisi School Community Council?

The School Community Council (SCC) is a crucial point of connection between the Principal, school leaders and members of the School community.

While the Council does not have governance responsibility or decision-making authority in relation to the School, the Council provides a means for members of the community to share their skills and talents for the common good, and a forum for the Principal and school leadership to draw on the collective wisdom and insights of the parent cohort.

All St Francis of Assisi parents and carers are part of the School Community Council. The Council is represented by an elected Community Council Executive who meet at least twice a term, to provide input and guidance to the school.

Parents and carers are invited to attend two open Community Council meetings each year, which will be advertised in the school newsletter and listed on the school calendar.

The Executive will also form working groups as necessary to support school activities such as fundraising and events. Working groups will be advertised in the school newsletter and all parents and carers are encouraged to join working groups as they’re formed to share their talents and skills.

The School Community Council works in close consultation with the school principal to achieve agreed objectives for the school, including:

  • Supporting the community of parents & carers, students and staff
  • Providing input to the consultative process for developing school annual improvement plans, strategic plans and master plans
  • Supporting and monitoring school fundraising events and enterprises including the canteen, second hand clothing pool and events like the fete
  • Assisting in determining the school expenditure priorities for funds raised through Community Council-led fundraising activities like the new school sports shed and equipment, new sensory items for the playground, books and library equipment and updating the kinder play space.

Further information about the role and responsibilities of the Council Executive can be found in the School Community Council Charter and School Community Council Guidelines (will be available shortly).

Minutes for previous meetings can be found here and information about previous Council projects can be found here (will be available shortly).

Current Community Council Executive

Contact the Council Executive: 

Chair Megan Steele
Deputy Chair Miranda Westhorp
Secretary Miranda Westhorp
Treasurer Cecilia Wykes
Committee Members Erin Steele, Shaun Haigh, Laura Gladwish
Ex Officio Bronwyn Wolthoff, Emma Schmid, Kylie Laverty, James Watson, Jaala Hamilton, Debbi Fluke, Jennifer Botticchio, Michael Hilton
Staff Representatives Sean Rutledge (Principal), Fr Simon Falk (Parish Priest), Annie McArthur (Assistant Principal) & Sarah Lehmensich (Year 3 teacher)

To learn more about your SCC Executive members, click here. 

2025 Council Events & Volunteering Opportunities

Even if you are not part of the Community Council Executive, there are still opportunities to get involved and volunteer.

When What
Days change each year depending on the availability of volunteers. Second-hand Uniform Shop
Interested in volunteering?
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday - online ordering only School Canteen
Interested in volunteering?
Each week if you have time to help keep our garden beautiful Sensory garden working bees 


Catholic School Parents Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn (CSPACG) is the peak body representing the interests of all Catholic school parents in the Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn and is the largest non-government school parent body in the ACT. 

CSPACG is the body officially recognised by the Archbishop and the Catholic Education Commission to represent the interests of families of children in all Catholic schools across the Archdiocese. 

A select number of representatives from each region’s parish school boards/councils attend the CSPACG meetings.  

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Page updated: 16 February 2025